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Generate child scope with code first

Child can also be generated from your C# code.

class LevelLoader
readonly LifetimeScope currentScope;
LifetimeScope instantScope;
public LevelLoader(LifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
currentScope = lifetimeScope;
public void Load()
// ... Loading some assets with any async way you like
// await Addressables.LoadAssetAsync...
// Create a child scope for the container that contains this LevelLoader instance.
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChild();
// Create with LifetimeScope prefab
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChildFromPrefab(
// Create with LifetimeScope prefab and extra registrations
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChildFromPrefab(
lifetimeScopePrefab, builder =>
// ...
// Create a child scope with extra registrations
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChild(builder =>
// ...
// Create a child scope with extra registrations via `IInstaller`
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChild(extraInstaller);
// The additionally registered entry point runs immediately after the scope is created...
// Or you can use scoped instance directly.
var foo = instantScope.Container.Resolve<Foo>();
public void Unload()
// Note that the scope implicitly create `LifetimeScope`.
// Use `Dispose` to safely destroying the scope.
// ... Unloading some assets